Editorial: Volume 4(1)

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This sixth issue of Imagining SoTL consists of a final set of papers based on presentations at the 2022 Symposium for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, with a theme of “A Decade of Imagining SoTL: Looking Back, Looking Ahead.” This was our first in-person conference since the COVID-19 pandemic, and it was good to be together. This issue follows our December issue, Volume 3(2). Here, we present the remaining responses to our call for contributors to develop their Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) presentations from the conference.

This issue contains three articles from Canadian institutions, involving a total of 14 authors, including four undergraduate students. All of them explore aspects of virtual and online learning in completely different disciplines and contexts. In the first, Pauls et al. explore learning about trauma online in a child studies program. In the second, Salmani et al. consider computing students’ experience of online learning during the pandemic, with a focus on the differential experience of students who worked in paid employment and those who did not. Finally, Lovo et al. delve into student experiences of a virtual reality platform in the context of a Master of Physical Therapy program. We hope you will enjoy this collection of articles exploring aspects of learning in the online world, which has become such a significant part of our everyday experience in post-secondary education.

Dr. Michelle Yeo
Imagining SoTL: Selections from the Banff Symposium

How to Cite

Yeo, M. Editorial. (2024). Imagining SoTL, 4(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.29173/isotl788