Digital technology and the arts: Investigating the integration of digital technologies in the elementary art curriculum


  • Lyndsey Sutley



Art is a wonderful way for students to express their creativity and engage in their learning in a new and interesting way. In today’s modern world, the integration of digital technologies has the capability to enhance lessons and provide unique opportunities for students to experience the curriculum. Through the surveying of my fellow teacher candidates, family, friends and an e-mail interview with a subject matter expert, I asked specific questions about the potential positive and negative effects of the integration of digital technology in the elementary art curriculum. In addition, I explored five added sources to supplement my research. As a result of this investigation, I discovered that a balance of new and old technologies is fundamental to the art experience in the elementary art curriculum. It is imperative that technology is not the sole focus and that other traditional art mediums are included in the curriculum. This research project allowed for the exploration of the positive and negative impact of integrating digital technologies in the arts for my future teaching practice. Ultimately, the potential benefits of the integration of digital technologies far outweigh any of the negatives and the opportunities they present are endless.





