Dyslexia and digital technology


  • Taylor Chester




This research manuscript investigates how technology can be used to help students with dyslexia. Using a Google Forms survey and an interview with an expert on the topic, different types of technologies, the pros and cons of using assistive technology, and recommendations for implementing assistive technology in the classroom are listed.  It was found that assistive technology is beneficial for students with dyslexia, but each student will benefit from different technologies. The main challenges with assistive technology that this research project uncovered included, glitches, not being user friendly, and the cost of some of these technologies. These problems apply mainly to higher tech assistive technologies, so including low tech assistive technologies in the classroom as well as high tech options could benefit students and avoid some of these challenges. Understanding some of the different assistive technologies that are available and beneficial for students with dyslexia is important for those involved in the education system so that we can give students with dyslexia the tools that they need to succeed. When educators know about, understand how to use, and have the resources to acquire assistive technologies then technology can be used to help students with dyslexia.





