Author Guidelines
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure the submission meets all the guidelines provided below. Manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned.
- English is the primary language used in this journal. UK English or USA English are acceptable as long as used consistently.
- Although we encourage original language submissions alongside an English submission.
- If English is not the primary writing language of the author(s), we recommend that you use a professional translator/editor prior to submitting your manuscript. However, to ensure this is not a barrier to submissions, the reviewers will work with the author(s).
- Although we will prioritise submissions from emerging scholars, undergraduate and graduate students, and practitioners, we welcome submissions from established scholars as well as those working in partnership with students.
- If a multi-authored submission draws substantially from a student’s dissertation or thesis then that student should preferably be listed as the principal author. We take the integrity and ethics of publishing seriously, namely that every person engaged in the research or writing should be identified in the submission. We don’t condone exploitative practices.
- We acknowledge that not all projects require ethical approval from an academic institution (e.g., book reviews).
- Submissions from authors affiliated with an academic institution need to include acknowledgment of the approval from their ethics review committee in their methodology section. And authors must submit a copy of the ethics approval document with their submission.
- Submissions from practitioners not affiliated with an academic institution are acceptable but in the methodology section, explain how your research adhered to the principles of research ethics (such as informed consent, etc.).
- If a multi-authored submission draws substantially from a student’s dissertation or thesis then that student should preferably be listed as the principal author. We take the integrity and ethics of publishing seriously, namely that every person engaged in the research or writing should be identified in the submission. We don’t condone exploitative practices.
Plagiarism and Citation Style
- The Journal takes issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism or other breaches of best practice in publication very seriously. The Journal seeks to protect the rights of authors and we seek to protect the reputation of the journal against malpractice.
- Manuscripts may be submitted to a plagiarism checker/Crossref software system during the review process. By submitting your paper to the Journal, you are agreeing to originality checks during the peer-review and publication processes.
- We recognize that citation styles are colonial in structure and foundation. But we also recognize that an academic journal must have research rigour. We want to be flexible while adhering to an international norm in academia.
- The following are accepted citation styles: APA, ASA, Uniform Legal Citation, and Harvard.
- Several checkboxes will appear at the end of your submission requesting your declaration.
- The Journal requires a declaration of conflicting interests, and funding sources.
- The Journal requires you to submit any necessary permission(s) from copyright holders for any illustrations, tables, figures, or artwork in your submission.
Style and Content Guidelines
Title page
- A separate title page file from the manuscript that includes the name(s) of the author(s), title, institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s), email addresses, authors’ ORCID and social media handles where possible.
- Maximum of 10 keywords
- Short bio (maximum 200 words) and author's choice to include their website URL
- Font size of article text (body): Arial 12pt font or Times New Roman 12pt font.
- The document should be typed in A4/A3 format using DOUBLE (2) line spacing and ‘normal margins’ selected.
- We recognize that citation styles are colonial in structure and foundation. But we also recognize that an academic journal must have research and citation rigour. All headings and subheadings must conform to your chosen citation style.
- The following are accepted citation styles: APA, ASA, Uniform Legal Citation, and Harvard.
Articles (primary or secondary research)
- Should not exceed 9000 words.
- Include an abstract (150 to 250 words).
- The abstract should not contain any abbreviations or references.
Book Reviews
- Should not exceed 2000 words.
- Include an abstract (150 to 250 words).
- The abstract should not contain any abbreviations or references.
Essays and Narratives
- Should not exceed 9000 words.
- Include an abstract (150 to 250 words).
- The abstract should not contain any abbreviations or references.
Photo Projects
- Length will vary with a maximum of 10 pages.
- Include an abstract (150 to 250 words).
- The abstract should not contain any abbreviations or references.
Oral Projects
- Length will vary with a maximum length of 30 minutes.
- In .mp4 format.
- Include an abstract (150 to 250 words).
- The abstract should not contain any abbreviations or references.