Homicide with post-mortem dismemberment:
The relationship between psychiatric disease of the killer, crime scene organization, and corpse concealment.
Homicide, corpse dismemberment, criminal profiling, crime scene organization, insanity defence, mental illness, criminologyAbstract
Homicides involving post-mortem corpse dismemberment are uncommon and present unique difficulties for criminologists and investigators. Mental health issues, their associated legal defenses, and persistent stigma usually become the focus in court hearings in these cases. If overlooked during investigations, these factors can markedly sway sentencing outcomes. A deeper scientific understanding of the connections between post-mortem dismemberment, crime scene, and corpse concealment could transform investigative methods and inspire new legal perspectives. It could also provide guidance for jurors during sentencing. This study aims to explore how a killer's mental health, corpse concealment, and crime scene characteristics (based on the FBI's organized/disorganized model) interrelate in cases of post-mortem dismemberment homicides. We conducted an analysis on 11 homicide cases using information available in public resources and legal databases. This data included information about the homicides themselves, the subsequent court proceedings, and any psychiatric evaluations conducted. Our goal was to investigate the correlation between killer's mental illness, crime scene organization level, and corpse concealment. Kendall’s tau correlation and linear regression was performed in order to verify any possible association. The following study suggests that post-mortem dismemberment homicide, in combination with disorganized crime scenes and no corpse concealment, is linked to the mental illness of the killer. These findings can be contextualized within scientific discussions about criminal profiling or psychopathological profiling and prompt a re-evaluation of the unconscious bias in court sentencing, where motivations and extenuating circumstances such as mental health problems are often dismissed due to the gruesome nature of the crime scene.
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