About the Journal

Imagining SoTL (IS), an open access publication, stems from the annual Symposium for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), hosted by Mount Royal University’s Mokakiiks Centre for SoTL. 

The Centre is located in Treaty 7 territory, the hereditary homelands of the Niitsitapi (the Blackfoot Confederacy), Îyârhe Nakoda, and Tsuut'ina Nations. When asked to translate the previous name of the Institute for SoTL, Blackfoot elder Leo Fox gave the word ksimstaani, which means ‘imagining.’ We name the publication after this inspiring way of thinking about SoTL as possibility and potential for transformation.

We ask all presenters from the yearly Symposium to submit full papers based upon their presentations for peer review. Submissions may be articles (including empirical, scholarly, or theoretical pieces situated in relation to SoTL literature), reflective essays in response to a keynote presentation, or creative responses. IS aims for high quality and values methodological richness and variety from a diversity of perspectives.


Imagining SoTL (IS), une publication en libre accès, découle du symposium annuel sur la Science de l'Enseignement et de l'Apprentissage (SoTL), organisé par le Mount Royal University's Mokakiiks Centre for SoTL.

Le centre est situé sur le territoire du Traité 7, les terres héréditaires des Niitsitapi (la Confédération des Pieds-Noirs), des Îyârhe Nakoda et des nations Tsuut'ina. Lorsqu'on lui a demandé de traduire l'ancien nom de l'Institut pour la SoTL, Leo Fox, un ancien des pieds-noirs, a donné le mot ksimstaani, qui signifie imagination. Nous avons donné à la publication le nom de cette façon inspirante de concevoir la SoTL comme une possibilité et un potentiel de transformation.

Nous demandons à tous les présentateurs du symposium annuel de soumettre des articles complets basés sur leurs présentations en vue d'une évaluation par les pairs. Il peut s'agir d'articles (y compris des articles empiriques, savants ou théoriques en rapport avec la littérature sur la science de l'apprentissage), d'essais de réflexion en réponse à une présentation principale ou à des réponses créatives. L'IS vise la haute qualité et valorise la richesse et la variété méthodologiques à partir d'une diversité de perspectives.

Publication Frequency

Imagining SoTL aims to publish two issues per year. A Call for Papers is issued after each yearly Symposium in November, with the submission window typically open from January - April each year. Accepted articles may be published in the subsequent Fall or Spring issues, therefore time to publication from submission is typically within one year.

Open Access Policy

Imagining SoTL is an open access publication. Users may read, download, copy, and redistribute full-text articles for lawful purposes, without seeking permission from the author or publisher. We believe that open access is a public good as it promotes sharing of knowledge. Such access is associated with increased readership and increased citation of an author's work.

There are no submission or article processing charges (APCs) for publishing in Imagining SoTL.


Copyright for articles is retained by the authors. As of Volume 4(2), copyright is under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.. Please note that if you are uploading supplemental files, like datasets or survey instruments, these must also be provided under an open license and archived in an open repository. For more information, contact the editors.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for any copyrighted material used, including illustrations, and providing documentation to the journal. 

Self-Archiving and Preservation

Authors are permitted to share any version of their work in any institutional, disciplinary, or other repository, and on personal websites, immediately upon publication with no embargo period. This includes sharing of the the final publisher version (e.g., journal PDF) and authors' pre- or post-prints. The shared version should include a proper citation and link to the published version appearing on the Imaging SoTL website, including the DOI.

Imagining SoTL is archived in the PKP Preservation Network (PN) using the LOCKSS Program.


Principal Contact

Michelle Yeo, Editor-in-Chief
Director, Mokakiiks Centre for SoTL, MRU

Support Contact

Liv Taylor, Journal Manager