Call for Papers


We invite all participants from the 2024 Symposium for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) on the theme of “Leading Through SoTL,” as well as any participants or presenters from previous years, to submit a paper developed from their session or experience at the conference for publication in Imagining SoTL

Submissions may be articles (including empirical, scholarly, or theoretical pieces situated in relation to SoTL literature), reflective essays in response to a keynote presentation, or creative responses to Pop-Up Poetry. Articles (max. 6000 words) and essays (max. 4000 words) should explore an aspect of teaching and learning, be grounded in context and the literature, be methodologically and/or conceptually sound, and provide a new contribution to the SoTL conversation. Creative responses to Pop-Up will express the author’s unique voice, be no more than 1500 words, and may include an image of the poem received. We are also interested in receiving forms of alternative scholarship such as podcasts or arts-based research. 

IS aims for high quality and values methodological richness and variety from a diversity of perspectives and contributors. Articles and essays are anonymously peer-reviewed, while invited pieces and creative responses are reviewed by the editorial board. For detailed author guidelines, please visit: 

The next submission deadline is April 30, 2025, with an intended publication date of November, 2025. Submissions that require additional revisions and/or review time may be held over to the next issue.


The submission system is now open.