State of Mind: History and the Narrative of Nationalism


  • Victoria Heather Reil Mount Royal University



Nationalism, the belief in the existence of distinct and enduring connections between an ethnic group, their historical culture, and their homeland, and in the need for such a people to be self-governing, was a significant force behind nineteenth-century historical inquiry. This paper examines the work of two European historians of this era and persuasion in order to investigate the influence this notion had on their scholarship. It explores how these historians wrote about the nation, perceived the role of nationalism in their work, and responded to potential conflicts between historical realities their nationalist ends. Such a study contributes to the debate on the ultimate purpose of history, the relationship between fact and interpretation, and the position of the historian in his or her own historical context.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Victoria Heather Reil, Mount Royal University

I am a History student at Mount Royal University. I am interested in most areas of history, and I intend to study a broad range of historical topics in the interest of eventually acquiring a Master in Library and Information Studies.


