Mock testimony simulation: Innovative teaching methodology for forensic nurses and prosecuting attorneys




mock testimony simulation, forensic nursing, education, expert witness, sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE), forensic nurse education


Mock testimony is a novel approach to the education of medical professionals who testify in legal proceedings. It allows peer to peer and interdisciplinary education with, about, and from attorneys and forensic nurses. Forensic nurse faculty created a mock testimony simulation in conjunction with attorneys to educate novice forensic nurses. It serves a multitude of purposes including providing a psychologically safe space for forensic nurses to learn key legal concepts while not impacting criminal trial or patient outcomes.

Author Biographies

Jessica Escue, Brazos County District Attorney's Office

Ms. Escue is the 361st District Court Felony Trial Chief in the Brazos County District Attorney's Office. She has been a felony prosecutor for 14 years, prosecuting sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence cases.


Dr. Mitchell, Texas A&M University

Dr. Stacey A. Mitchell is a Clinical Professor at the Texas A&M University, School of Nursing. She is the Program Coordinator of the Master of Science in Nursing, Forensic Nursing Track and the Director of the Center of Excellence in Forensic Nursing.


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How to Cite

Charles, L., Escue, J., & Mitchell, S. (2024). Mock testimony simulation: Innovative teaching methodology for forensic nurses and prosecuting attorneys. Journal of the Academy of Forensic Nursing, 2(2), 43–53.

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