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Recommended Resources & Guidelines 

Mount Royal University Library - APA 7th Ed. Guides *(Editor Recommended)*


Additional Formatting and Citation Resources: 

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Other Informative Resources 

Publication Process for Undergraduates and Behavioural Sciences

Includes advice, guidelines, checklists, and information on the publication process; is peer-reviewed.

Fluid Publication 2022

Accepting manuscripts on any topic in the behaviour sciences!

See Submission Guidelines for submission criteria at: https://mrujs.mtroyal.ca/index.php/bsuj/about/submissions

Art, Graphics, & Media Submissions

Submission portal for cover art, banner art, and other non-manuscript submissions to the BSUJ.

See Submission Guidelines for submission criteria at: https://mrujs.mtroyal.ca/index.php/bsuj/about/submissions

Intersectionality and Healthcare (Special Edition)

See Submission Guidelines for submission criteria at: https://mrujs.mtroyal.ca/index.php/bsuj/about/submissions



Centring the experiences of Black women, Kimberlé Crenshaw (1989) coined the term “intersectionality” to highlight how various identity-related factors (i.e., racialization, gender identity and expression, sexual identity and expression, disability, status of impoverishment, etc.) each contain barriers created and sustained by social, political, economic (and other) systems of power.

Crenshaw (1989) emphasizes that overlapping identity factors (with a critical focus on the experiences of Black women) are thus accompanied by overlapping barriers, which influence a person or community’s life experiences, access to care, and overall well-being.

This framework can be extended to virtually all areas of Westernized healthcare, as identity factor-related barriers (i.e., medical racism, medical transphobia, cishetsexism, etc.) are overwhelmingly and consistently present.

Examples of Relevant Topics

  • Disproportionate access to mental healthcare
  • Supervised consumption sites as critical infrastructure
  • Inaccessibility of trans and intersex-informed care
  • Gender affirmation as healthcare and suicide prevention
  • Colonial violence and associated healthcare barriers
  • Ageism in healthcare
  • Racial bias in medical testing and treatment
  • Gatekeeping in sciences and medical fields
  • Access to trauma-informed care
  • Intersectional education for prospective medical professionals
  • Representation in healthcare
  • Access to interpreters and translators
  • Alternatives to law enforceament in wellness checks
  • Public housing as healthcare
  • Racialization of drug policy
  • Accessible public washrooms as healthcare
  • Affordable childcare as healthcare
  • Access to comprehensive healthcare benefits
  • Paid leave for health and mental health-related illness
  • Easily-accessible food security as healthcare
  • Costs of pharmaceuticals and treatments
  • Personal experiences and challenges within the healthcare system
  • Decriminalization of sex work and sex workers as healthcare
  • Access to regulated (untampered and consistently-dosed) drugs
  • Harm-reduction approaches
  • Distributions of COVID-19 vaccines
  • Disproportionate impact by COVID-19 policy and financial subsistence
  • Chronic pain stigmatization
  • Access to assistive technologies and equipment


Crenshaw, K. (1989). Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex: A Black feminist critique of antidiscrimination doctrine, feminist theory and antiracist politics. University of Chicago Legal Forum, 8, 138-167. (no DOI found). https://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/uclf/vol1989/iss1/8

This call was written by Shayla-Rose Somers, who is a white, disabled, queer, non-binary, neurodivergent person, and journal editor for the BSUJ.


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